Welcome to my website! Here, you’ll find a universe brimming with possibilities for enthusiasts of board games, 3D printing, and application development and programming.
On this website, my aim is to provide downloadable content that I have personally created and that I believe is worth sharing with like-minded individuals.
Como aficionado de los juegos de mesa y rol, en ocasiones he creado algunas utilidades como resúmenes, hojas de ayuda o de puntuaciones, aplicaciones de ayuda para la gestión de la partida y otros muchos recursos que intentaré colgar poco a poco en esta web para que no se queden solo en mi casa. Con la ayuda de vuestra experiencia, podré ir mejorando los recursos que ya tengo, crear nuevos que me parezcan útiles con las sugerencias que otros aficionados me podáis aportar.
3D Printing
As a fan of board games and role-playing games, I have occasionally created various utilities such as summaries, reference sheets, scorecards, and helpful applications for game management. I intend to gradually share these resources on this website, so they don’t remain confined to my home. With the assistance of your expertise, I can continuously enhance the existing resources and develop new ones based on suggestions provided by fellow enthusiasts.
Computer and mobile applications
My studies in technical computer engineering and my experience in programming also enable me to develop small utilities, many of which are related to the world of board games and practical everyday use
I hope that the resources I will be sharing on this website are as beneficial to you as they are to me, and that you’ll help me in continually improving them. My goal is to create a shared space where all these elements can be organized, serving as a reference for you to consult and utilize on numerous occasions.
Thank you for your support.